
Love God, Love Others, Reach the World.

We are a church, composed of baptized believers who share a personal commitment to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.  As a part of that commitment, we want to proclaim the gospel to the whole world.  We do that by being on mission in our daily lives, supporting missions and missions activities locally, at a state level, at the national level and world-wide.  Some of the missions and activities we are currently engaged in or support are listed below.

Cooperative Program

Through the Southern Baptist of Texas Convention and the Baptist General Convention of Texas we participate in giving to the Cooperative Program.  We join together with other individuals and churches to give to support spreading the gospel.  Reaching the world alone would be a daunting task.  Ecclesiastes 4:9 tells us that two are better than one.  In the Cooperative Program we join thousands of other churches to spread the gospel.

Read more Here and Here

Annie Armstrong Offering

During the Easter season, we collect the Annie Armstrong offering.  This offering supports North American Missions.  This offering was started by WMU (Women's Missionary Union) in 1895.  In 1934, it was named in honor of Annie Armstrong, who was a bold missions advocate and WMU's first national executive leader.

Read more Here

Lottie Moon Offering

During the Christmas season, we collet the Lottie Moon offering.  This offering supports foreign missions by giving to the International Missions Board (IMB).  WMU, in 1918, named this offering in honor of Lottie Moon, a single missionary serving in China, after she urged them to start it.

Read more Here

Mary Hill Davis Offering

The Mary Hill Davis offering is collected to support state missions.  In 1935, WMU named this offering for the woman who had led Baptist women of Texas to pray for and give to missions efforts in Texas.

Read more Here

Resources for Women

Resources for Women is a list of resources for pregnancies, family, education, etc.

RACAP (Randolph Area Christian Assistance Program)

RACAP is an independent non-profit emergency food pantry.  We donate items as well as contribute monetarily.

Read more about RACAP Here

AWANA Missionary

Our AWANA (Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed) kids support a missionary through giving.

Church Plant

Our support of new church start ups along with our partners.

Reach, Teach, Love

Read more Here

Africa New Life

Our local WMU sponsors two youth through Africa New Life.  The sponsored youth education sponsorship and also, growing faith, community development, and a healthy body.

Read more Here

Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child is a program through Samaritan's Purse to reach Children with the gospel.  Each year we collect and fill boxes to give to children all around the world during Christmas.

Read more Here.

Love Where You Live

Love Where You Live is a non-profit community initiative founded 6+ years ago to help those in our community who need assistance with home maintenance and repair. 

Read more Here

Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered, 12 step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurts, hang-ups, or habits. Celebrate Recovery is a safe place to find community and freedom from the issues that are controlling your life.   It is designed to handle issues that have control over you rather than you having control of them.  This could include financial mismanagement, low self esteem, depression, relationship addiction, pornography, divorce, substance abuse, inability to maintain healthy boundaries and more -- ANYTHING that keeps you from being the best you! 

Read more Here

Complete Missions List

Missions Sunday April 24, 2022


Give securely to the General Fund, Missions, Awana, and other funds by using the Pay Pal link we have provided.  Please be sure to state where your donation is to be applied.  If there is no designation, it will all go to the General Fund.



           5500 FM 1103 Schertz, TX 78108


