By God’s grace we are able to bless differing kinds of worshipers, traditional and contemporary, all sincerely glorifying our Savior.We welcome you to come as you are, for God accepts us however we come to Him. Please join us either in person or live stream.Worship with us in a traditional church setting including hymns and praise led by our praise team Sundays at 9:00 am.Our contemporary worship is led by our Music Director with the praise team and modern songs Sundays at 11:30 am.
Children’s Church only at 11:30 am.
9:00 AM Traditional Service with No Children's ChurchNursery and cry room provided.
10:15 AM Bible Study Classes (all ages). General Bible Study Live Streamed. Nursery provided.
11:30 AM Contemporary Service with Separate Children's Church (ages 5-12). Nursery and cry room provided. This service will be Live Streamed on YouTube & Facebook
6:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Prayer meeting
6:30 pm - 7:30 pmMen's and Women's Study
6:30 pmChildren's Bible StudyYouth Bible Study
Wednesday Services and times for adults change throughout the year. Please see the front page for details or call the office at 210-658-0525.
Give securely to the General Fund, Missions, Awana, and other funds by using the Pay Pal link we have provided. Please be sure to state where your donation is to be applied. If there is no designation, it will all go to the General Fund.
5500 FM 1103 Schertz, TX 78108