

The Children’s Ministry serves preschoolers (3 year old potty trained through kindergarten) in a cooperative effort between the church and the home as parents and the Children’s Ministry Department team up to teach preschoolers about Jesus. Our elementary kids (1st through grade 4) offers relevant Bible studies, as well as many other fun and educational activities and programs. We provide biblically-based, age-appropriate Bible studies, dynamic worship, as well as many other fun and educational events that help to disciple all of our CVBC KIDS.

– Check out the different programs and services we have for kids below.


 11:30 AM @ Sunday Morning

Children's Church Each Sunday except Last Sunday of the Month


Children's Church Curriculum


  • Infants to Preschool in the Nursery and Preschool Room
  • Kindergarten to 4th grade- Meet Upstairs in Room 200

    Children’s Ministry Director: Nichole McGill

 The main emphasis for our Sunday School is helping children develop a lifelong habit of reading God’s Word. At 10:15 am  we have classes for 3  year old through 5th grade. We use a Bible-based curriculum to help students develop a solid understanding of the Bible by modeling Bible reading while encouraging Bible reading during the week.

Children's Wednesday Night

Children's Wednesday night will be the AWANA Club.  Please see below for information and calendar.

“Jesus said, Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”  Matthew 19:14 NIV

Children’s Ministry Director-Nichole McGill

AWANA starting Wednesday, September 11th at 6:00 PM


What Does AWANA Mean?
The letters are from II Timothy 2:15 and stand for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed.
AWANA is an evangelism and discipleship program for ages 3 to 18 that actively involves parents, church leaders and mentors.  Each week, AWANA gives kids the chance to memorize God’s word in a fun atmosphere, trains them to live according to its precepts, and equips them to tell others the message of Jesus Christ.

The purpose of AWANA
To reach boys and girls with the gospel of Jesus Christ and train them to serve Him.   At Cibolo Valley, we want to build boys and girls.  We want to drop anchors of truth into their hearts now that will guide them into the people God created them to be when they get older.

Points are awarded for attendance, dues, bringing your Bible to Club, being in uniform, and for attending Sunday School.

Cubbies: Potty trained preschoolers 3 – 5 years old.
Sparks: Kindergartners through second grade boys and girls.
T & T Club Boys: Third through sixth grade boys.
T & T Club Girls: Third through sixth grade girls

Age Requirements:
Cubbies must be 3 years old by September 30, 2024 and potty trained.
Sparks (Kindergarten) must be 5 years old by September 1, 2023 and enrolled in kindergarten. If your child is not starting kindergarten this fall, please enroll them in Cubbies.
1st Grade through 6th Grade children will be assigned to the same grade level they are in at school, or with same-aged children if homeschooled.

AWANA Enrollment & Dues:
There is a cost for shirts, books, and dues each year which vary per club.
Cubbies – $32.00
Sparks – $38.00
T&T – $42.00

Children and youth are considered enrolled when registration is submitted and dues are paid.  Limited scholarships may be available; please contact us.  Typically a scholarship is ½ the cost of annual dues.  Click here for the Parent Handbook.

Weekly Schedules
Every Wednesday 6:00 p.m. – 7:15 p.m.
*Corresponding to the school calendar

 A typical night at AWANA is broken down into 3 segments:
Game Time – Every AWANA meeting involves high energy game time with lots of team competition as well as team work.  Organized games get all the children to participate, unleashing natural energy, and enthusiasm.

Handbook Time – Using achievement-oriented learning segments, AWANA training emphasizes the importance of God and His Word for sound living.  Clubbers progress through handbooks at their own pace and leaders meet with them individually to go over what they have learned.

Council Time – Council time begins with group Bible study that is tailored to the ages of the clubbers.
Additionally, special theme nights throughout the year cultivate a spirit of fun and community, and clubbers are encouraged to invite their friends.  Other events include an AWANA Grand Prix for all clubs.

Parent/Guardian Volunteer Policy:

All AWANA parents/guardians are requested to serve in some capacity.  Volunteer position descriptions and preference choices can be found HERE.  We are currently in need of the following key volunteers:
General Volunteers/Substitutes – Children’s Ministry
Substitute leaders (fill in where needed) – AWANA

Please note:  All volunteers who work with children must be members of Cibolo Valley Baptist Church and have a background check completed before interacting with the children.  For more information please contact:

Contact Information
AWANA -Commander: Sharon Douglas


Cibolo Valley Baptist Church – 210-658-0525
5500 FM 1103 Schertz, Texas 78108

2024-2025 AWANA Calendar:   Tentative calendar at this time

Our AWANA Club will meet every Wednesday.  The starting date is September 13th, see calendar below:

11 First Club Night
25 Favorite Team Color

16 Pastor Appreciation Night
30 BARF-Bring a Real Friend/ Ice Cream

NOVEMBER - 30 Acts of Kindness Month
6 Canned Food Drive Begins
27 No AWANA - Happy Thanksgiving

11 Freckles Night
18 Christmas Parties (All clubs) AWANA Store

8 Missions Giving - Pennies
15 Crazy Sock Night (Wear crazy socks)

FEBRUARY - Mission Giving - Nickles
12 Western Night

MARCH - Mission Giving - Dimes
5 Copy Cat Night
19  No AWANA (Spring Break)

APRIL - Mission Giving - Quarters

Sat 5 AWANA Grand Prix
16 NO AWANA - Easter
30 Scrapbook Night

MAY - Mission Giving - ALL IN
7  Freckle Night
14  Last Club Night (Party)
21  AWANA Closing Ceremony

 (31 AWANA Club Nights)



Give securely to the General Fund, Missions, Awana, and other funds by using the Pay Pal link we have provided.  Please be sure to state where your donation is to be applied.  If there is no designation, it will all go to the General Fund.



           5500 FM 1103 Schertz, TX 78108


