Toast in the New Year with Women of Joy at 10am in the Fellowship Hall.
Join us as we celebrate the New Year with Toast & Jams.
For our mission project we are collecting shampoo, toothpaste, and toothbrushes for RACAP.
Our team and church members love to pray for you. We invite everyone to provide us with their
prayer requests so we can pray over them. We firmly believe in God’s power to answer prayer. Praying brings us closer to God and we
encourage prayer in everything we do at CVBC.
Prayer Request
At CVBC there are activities and groups focused on keeping
you connected. Starting on Sunday with Bible
Study on Sunday Morning, Small Group Studies, and AWANA. There is community
outreach and helping others through working with Life Restored and Church Under
the Bridge. CVBC has something for everyone
of any age to keep them plugged in to God’s Word and fellowship. We encourage members as well as non-members
to join in one or more of the activities.
Give securely to the General Fund, Missions, Awana, and other funds by using the Pay Pal link we have provided. Please be sure to state where your donation is to be applied. If there is no designation, it will all go to the General Fund.